So What is RogoDigitalDesign?

Digital art serves as a powerful outlet for creativity, a potential career path, or even a relaxing hobby. Whatever your ambitions, there’s a pathway to achieve your goals. The internet has revolutionized self-education, offering endless inspiration yet sometimes overwhelming with choices. Each journey can lead you down a rabbit hole of continuous learning.

I’ve experienced shiny-object syndrome firsthand, diving deep into various topics in my quest for knowledge – from hard surface modeling to non-photorealistic rendering, to game asset creation. Now, I aim to distill the insights and expertise I’ve gained over the years to a new generation of digital artists. My journey has not only honed my artistic skills but also transformed me into a more thoughtful, well-rounded individual. My mission is to share this growth and learning, helping others to find their path and enrich their lives through digital art.


Help digital artists on their journey by building a holistic set of skills—from technical software proficiency and big-picture planning to fostering a positive personal mindset and motivation.
