Updated for Blender Version: 4.1.1

What is Node Wrangler?

If you have spent any amount of time learning texturing in Blender, you’ve undoubtedly heard “Node Wrangler” mentioned. This is a powerful plugin that is built into Blender that makes the Shader editor or Compositor much more quick and efficient to use in Blender.

Node Wrangler Setup and Use

Unfortunately, Node Wrangler is not installed by default. Install Node Wrangler like any other add-on by going to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons and searching for Node Wrangler, then click the checkbox next to the Node Wrangler plugin.

Using Node Wrangler

Once the plugin is installed, you can start using it right away. Select an object that has a material applied to it, then click the “Shading” tab along the very top of the screen to switch to the default Shader Editor setup. In the shader editor window, you will now see a tab along the right side that says “Node Wrangler” which shows all the new options within the plugin. If you don’t see the sidebar, move your mouse into the Shader Editor panel and press N to bring up the sidebar. You can also bring up the menu by pressing Shift+W.

Node Wrangler Sidebar

Useful Tools and Hotkeys

Add Texture Setup: Select Texture node, then press Ctrl+T. This will automatically add and connect the Texture Coordinates and Mapping Nodes to the selected Texture node.

Add Principled Setup: Select Principled Shader, then press Ctrl+Shift+T. This will bring up a window showing the files on your computer. Navigate to the texture files you wish to use, select all the image types (diffuse, normal, roughness, etc.) Once selected, press the Principled Texture Setup. This will automatically connect all the image files to the corresponding nodes in the Principled Shader, including necessary additional nodes like Normal Map and Displace nodes.

Break Connection: hold Ctrl and then right-click-drag across connections to use a “cut” tool to break those connections.

Auto Connect: hold Alt and then right-click-drag from one node to another to automatically connect those nodes.

Frame Selected: select desired nodes and press Alt+P to automatically add them to a frame.

Switch Node Type: select node and press Shift+S. From the context menu, select a new node to replace the existing one.